QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale Connectivity Tool

QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale Connectivity Tool

QuickBooks Point of Sale is an all-in-one solution that enables retailers to enter sales, print receipts, authenticate credit cards, and much more. QuickBooks Connection Wizard is located in the file menu and provides many choices for connecting to QuickBooks. The user can connect directly to QuickBooks or through an accounting server using the wizard. When a user meets a QuickBooks Desktop POS connection wizard issue, accessing the business file becomes practically impossible. In turn, the chores come to a halt. Because the mistake is infrequent, the remedies might be difficult. We’ve discussed the causes behind this and how to remedy it.

How to Get and Install the QuickBooks Point of Sale Connectivity Tool

QuickBooks Point of Sale connection solution enables users to resolve a variety of confusing situations and function more quickly with their QuickBooks POS. Moving on, you must download and execute the utility by following the procedures outlined below.

Relaunch QuickBooks POS

  1. To start, launch the Run Command by using the Windows key + R on the keyboard.
  2. Next, put services.msc into the open search window and hit Enter.
  3. Look for the QBPOS Database Manager vXX (the most recently published version) in the services list.
  4. Once you’ve located the service, right-click on it and select “STOP.”
  5. Make a note of the service status being STOP.
  6. Finally, either restart or just click on start.

Make a copy of the Company File

  1. To begin, open the computer window by pressing the Windows button on your desktop.
  2. Navigate to the following location in the left window:
  3. C: UsersPublicDocumentsIntuitQuickBooksPointofSalevXX (latest version).
  4. Right-click on the Data folder and choose Copy.
  5. Right-click on an appropriate spot on the desktop and select the Paste option.

Download the Connectivity Tester

  1. First, obtain the QBPOS troubleshooting connection tool.
  2. QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale is an option. 18.0 (compatible with Windows 7 and above) or.
  3. QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale 12.0.
  4. Then, save the folder/file in the following directory:
  5. For 64-bit systems: C: Program Files (x86)Intuit QuickBooks POS XX.
  6. C: Program FilesIntuitQuickBooks POS XX (32-bit).
  7. When the download is finished, click the Run option to troubleshoot the issue.

Troubleshooting TCP/IP Protocol

  1. Press the Windows Start button on the keyboard.
  2. Next, type Control into the search field and press the Enter key.
  3. Now, select the “Network and Sharing Centre” option.
  4. iv. Select “Manage Network Connections” as well.
  5. After that, right-click on any activated “Local Area Connection” and choose Properties.
  6. Make sure you’ve selected TCP/IPv6 and TCP/IPv4 Internet protocols from the networking menu.
  7. If you have previously selected, clear the checkboxes and reselect them before clicking the OK button.
  8. If you haven’t already done so, pick both of them and then click the OK button.
  9. If the above-mentioned internet protocols are not listed, contact a technician or other network technical professionals to resolve the issue.

Run the Test Connectivity Tool when it has been downloaded

Several factors can lead to problems while using QuickBooks POS, such as a shaky Internet connection, or when network sharing and folder permissions are disabled. The tool displays some information about your system and how it impacts the ability of the POS to open.

Firewall Setup for QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale

If a firewall prevents connectivity between the server and the client workstations, Point of Sale will not function. QuickBooks configures the firewall for you automatically. There are situations, however, when a manual setting is required. When security software blocks QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale Ports, the following procedures might be affected.

  1. Database Server Manager: Capacity to establish a connection and log modifications or transactions to the corporate file.
  2. Digital Money Transfer: Intuit Merchant Services handles credit card transactions.
  3. Intuit Entitlement Service: Product licensing and user validation.

Problems can be solved. The QuickBooks Point of Sale Connectivity Tool can be used by users to resolve the problems or circumstances mentioned below. These are some examples…

  1. When a technical fault prohibits you from accessing the QB POS application.
  2. Connection problems with the server’s QuickBooks POS client.
  3. 180063 POS Alert: This is an improper situation that cannot be corrected by utilizing the QB POS Connectivity tool to start the database service.
  4. The QuickBooks Database Manager Service, which is required for connecting QuickBooks to the server program, may not execute or may be destroyed.
  5. For additional security once.

Possible Root Causes of Such Problems

  1. As a result of the best multi-mode options
  2. Inadequate web service
  3. Third-party software may cause the application to cease operating.
  4. The IP address used is dynamic.
  5. Unconfigured folder permissions and network sharing.


So, the foregoing material provides comprehensive instruction on the QuickBooks Point of Sale Connectivity Tool and provides you with a thorough grasp of the Tool. By following the procedures outlined above, you can quickly download and utilize the QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale Connectivity Tool.

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